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How do I join Longhorn EMS?To join Longhorn EMS, you must submit a Responder Information Sheet (RIS) by designated deadline to be considered a member. The Responder Information Sheet has the following components: demographic information, immunizations, certifications/licensures, and a letter of intent. For more information regarding the RIS, please view the "Apply Here!" page.
Does Longhorn EMS have any dues?No! As an agency of Student Government, there are no dues to join Longhorn EMS.
When are Longhorn EMS meetings?For the Fall 2023 semester, Longhorn EMS meetings will be biweekly Thursdays at 7pm at JGB 2.324. To remain an active member of Longhorn EMS, you must attend 4 out of the 7 GMs, but we highly encourage you to attend all of the GMs!
What if I can't make it to a general meeting?If you are not able to make it to a general meeting, you must fill out the GM Makeup Form no later than Mondays following the Thursday GM at 11:59pm. The GM Makeup Form will be found on the Discord announcements channel following the conclusion of the GM. It will require you to review the GM slides to answer the associated questions. We prefer every member to attend our GMs in person to get the most hands-on experience, however if you have a recurring conflict with the GM time, you may submit as many GM makeup forms as needed to fulfill your active member status. To remain an active member, you must have 4 GM points (this can come from either attending the GM or completing the GM makeup quiz).
What if I need to update my RIS?To update your RIS, use the same RIS application link and only fill in the necessary fields. For example, if you needed to only add a FEMA license, you need to fill out your name, eid, and attach only the FEMA license to the RIS submission. We will update your file on our end after submission.
What is the main form of communication in LEMS?Longhorn EMS uses Discord to communicate with all members. The link to join our Discord can be found on the Member page on this website. Once you join Discord, you must change your profile name to your first and last name to be added to the channels.
What is Responder Training?Longhorn EMS members who administer direct patient care at medical events are known as Responders. Responders must go through an internal credentialing process known as Responder Training to be cleared to work events. There are 3 levels of responders: Responder 1, Responder 2, and Responder 3. Responder 1 is the basic level responder, who can administer patient care under the supervision of a Responder 2 or 3. Responder 2 is one level higher, and this responder can administer direction patient care independently (without supervision). Responder 3 is the highest responder status, and serves as the supervisor for medical standby events. Responder training must be completed during office hours, which are led by the Operations Officers of the Executive Board. Each responder training has a different set of skills and requirements which need to be completed to obtain the responder status. For more information on the requirements, view the links below.
What is Monthly Training?Monthly training is a training that is required for all RESPONDERS in order to work medical standby events. The trainings apply to the medical events for the following months. For example, if a responder wants to work ACL in October, they must complete the September Monthly Training. For Fall 2023, monthly trainings are offered every week on Thursdays from 6-7pm in JGB 2.324; however you are only required to attend one week's training every month. Each monthly training will cover a presentation component and a hands-on skills component. The presentation will be about 30-40 minutes long, and the hands-on skills will be completed during the remaining time. Responders will be grouped into teams to complete the hands-on skills component. If the group (or any member of the group) does not meet the necessary requirements to pass the skills, they must schedule a makeup during office hours to complete the skills, to be eligible to work medical standby events.
What is Support Team Training?Support Team training is a way for support team members to learn more about EMT skills and how to be better prepared in medical emergencies. Support Team members are NOT allowed to administer direct patient care and medical events, however it's important to know the skills in the case of a Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) or in the case of a Responder 3 Supervisor delegating responsibility. This optional training will be an hour long and will cover a Safety overview, CPR skills, and bleeding control skills. Support Team training takes place every other week on off-GM Thursdays at 7pm.
Where are Office Hours held?Office Hours are held in our Longhorn EMS Office in Jester, right across from Jester Java.
How do I file a complaint?If Responder/Support Team member believes another LEMS personnel is acting unprofessionally, negligent, or has violated the Longhorn EMS Code of Conduct, they are able to fill out an Incident Report Form at the link below.
What are the social media/technology expectations?Unauthorized use of LEMS name, logo, websites, or info (ex: libel, slander) is strictly prohibited & results in immediate disciplinary action Taking pictures of pt. is NOT allowed (privacy) as well as posting pictures while on duty To post a picture with any LEMS logos or uniforms, check with the presiding R3 supervisor on scene
What are the Longhorn EMS misconduct policies?LEMS personnel are NOT allowed to: Engage in illegal activities (ex: recreational drugs) Consume anything with alcohol while on duty & 12 hrs prior to the start of a shift Be in the vicinity of illegal activity/alcohol consumption while in uniform Violating above conditions means immediate suspension pending mandatory referral to appropriate authorities, including the TX Department of State Health Services
What is the Longhorn EMS Zero Tolerance Policy?No tolerance for: Discrimination of LEMS members & patients Sexual harassment/assault Working an LEMS event while intoxicated or under drug influence Any violations means immediate termination & forfeiture of membership and rights within Longhorn EMS
What do I wear as a Support Team member?For Internal Events: All support team members will need to wear their Longhorn EMS shirt, cargo/khaki pants, and closed-toe shoes. For External Events: All support team members must wear the Seton-affiliated shirt, cargo/khaki pants, and closed-toe shoes. Note: Event attire will be included the event brief prior to the start of every event, and may change at the discretion of the Events Lieutenants. Please check with the Events Lieutenants for further questions.
What do I wear as a Responder?For Internal Events: All Responders will need to wear their Longhorn EMS Responder uniform: LEMS responder polo, Black/Navy Blue Tactical pants, black socks (covering the ankle), black duty/uniform belt, black tactical boots For External Events: All Responders will need to wear their Seton polo, Black/Navy Blue Tactical pants, black socks (covering the ankle), black duty/uniform belt, black tactical boots. The Seton polo will be provided to the responder either prior to the start of the event or at the event, based on the discretion of the Events Lieutenant. Note: Event attire will be included the event brief prior to the start of every event, and may change at the discretion of the Events Lieutenants. Please check with the Events Lieutenants for further questions.
What are the appearance expectation for LEMS Medical Standby Events?Hair neat & tied back Facial hair well kept Minimal makeup Tattoos covered Clipped fingernails, not acrylic No rings/large jewelry Necklace tucked into shirt Uniform appropriately sized, clean & undamaged
What are the requirements to sign up for an event?To sign up for an event, you must have submitted an RIS by the designated deadline. To work as a Support Team member you must have completed Support Team training before filling out the sign up form. To work as a Responder, you must complete Support Team training before filling out the sign up form, START your responder training at least 1 week before the sign up form closes, and complete your required monthly training.
What are the medical standby event cancellation policies?For large events that require advance planning, if you cancel within 72 HOURS before the start of your shift, you will be ineligible for medical events for 30 days For recurring events, if you cancel within 48 HOURS before the start of your shift, you will be ineligible for medical events for 30 days Exact cancellation deadline will be given on the sign up form
What if I don't have my own form of transportation to work medical standby events?A personal vehicle is NOT required to work medical events. Our Events Lieutenants will ensure that carpool groups are made for large events and other forms of transportation (CapMetro Bus) are properly organized prior to the start of the shift.
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